Saturday, July 24, 2010


We are very excited that Connor is going to have a baby sister in a little over 2 months!  It’s fun to talk to Connor about the baby, he will randomly point to my belly throughout the day and say baby in the cutest voice.  Once in awhile he’ll look down his shirt for the baby until we remind him the baby is only in mommy’s belly, not his too :)  He’ll also point to my belly and say “sista” – if only she had a name we could teach him to say it!  I asked him recently to go get a toy of his out of his sister’s room and he came running back to me with the one piece of clothing we have for her, as if that was his sister :)  Although Connor acts excited I’m sure it will be different once his sister arrives and he realizes I’m preoccupied a lot of the time, but he’ll adjust eventually.  And I really look forward to him having a sister to play with and teach things.  I’m sure he will love showing her everything, anytime anyone comes in the house he runs off to show them all his toys :)  And I hope that they’ll be great friends for life – I know they’ll fight a lot but hopefully they’ll also enjoy being together.  We really look forward to Connor meeting his sister, hopefully he’ll learn to love her quickly!

4th of July Fun

For the 4th we went down to my parents place to watch fireworks from their backyard.  My mom had gotten Connor some patriotic clothes while she was in New York a few weeks before.  Connor wore them proudly :)


We showed him how to wave the flag and he really enjoyed it!  Thankfully Cousin Bruce wasn’t around, I would’ve been nervous the flag might’ve accidentally touched the ground :)




Here’s Connor with his favorite person, JoePop.  They have so much fun together:

DSCF0196 The fireworks were so close that Connor wasn’t too thrilled with them at first.  He would whine in between each one that he wanted to go inside.  But as soon as he saw another one going up he would sit quietly until it exploded.  After about 10 minutes of complaining, he finally leaned against me and enjoyed the rest of the show.  Since the 4th every once in awhile he’ll tell me “BoBu” (his interpretation of JoePop) and then “boom” for the fireworks.  I think he liked them :)  I just hope he realizes he doesn’t get to see them every time he goes to BoBu’s house!