Friday, May 22, 2009

There's Nothing Better

So I might be better at posting if I wasn't working on one of the slowest computers ever. Hopefully I'll get one of Jeremy's hand offs soon, my patience is wearing thin with this computer!

Anyway, Connor must've read my blog because a few days after I posted that he barely spent any time on all fours and wasn't going to crawl, he decided to spend a lot of time up on all fours and is now slowly scooting around. Although he can scoot he only does it when he really really wants something and doesn't seem too interested in doing it otherwise. But he still loves to stand and has just started cruising around while holding on. He also likes to test how long he can stand for himself by - I think we made it up to at least 5 seconds today! And if Daddy is around he insists on walking with him.

He still loves to play the piano and is getting better, he's pounding less and less and learning to play them gently - here's a video:

I'm convinced that the best sound in the world is that of your child's laughter. There is nothing better. Tonight for the first time Connor snorted, which was just too funny. Thankfully Jeremy can make Connor laugh pretty easily, so here's a video of Connor's laughter and snorting :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Joy of Never Sitting Still

So this week Connor realized that he loves to stand and wants to stand all the time. Just a few weeks ago he discovered he could move around on his tummy, but now that's boring. Whenever Jeremy spends a few minutes with him during the day they work on standing and now Connor thinks if he's spending time with daddy he has to be standing and will complain until Jeremy helps him stand up. They also walk around the house together - Connor likes to take big steps while holding onto our hands :) All this standing and practice walking makes me wonder if he'll ever crawl or skip it altogether. He can move slightly forward while on his tummy, but it takes a lot of effort. And although he's been up on all fours very briefly, he doesn't seem to enjoy it yet.

We also spent some time trying out his rocking chair:Although he doesn't seem to enjoy rocking too much, he loves to check out everything on it
Until he realizes he might be able to touch the camera . . .

I love the tongue sticking out, that means maximum effort :)

We also had a playdate with Caleb and Judah, but I forgot to take pictures. But it was fun, Connor loves watching the older boys! And we started eating cheerios, which Connor loves, I think he feels like a big boy while eating them. And he's learned how to feed himself puffs and cheerios, which is totally great for me! So nothing too exciting this week but I'm continually amazed at how much Connor learns each week and how excited he is to do each new thing.

Disclaimer: These pics are taken with our old little digital camera, not Jeremy's nice fancy camera :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm already bad at this

So I'm already bad at this blogging thing - I haven't even sent out the link to anyone and I haven't posted anything of interest yet. In fact, right now I'm writing to no one, so I'm pretty much talking to myself, which really isn't all that surprising.

I really created this blog to share about Connor, so here's the latest. He's growing a lot, he really likes to eat real food - he loves his puffs and has mastered picking them up but is not so successful at putting them in his mouth yet. He makes a face everytime he eats them but then wants more. I'll post a video of it.

He's also become quite successful at pooping on his potty. Over three weeks ago I decided to start putting him on the potty while changing his diaper and he went on it - and does just about every day now, which is great for me! And he's started peeing on it too, it's so funny how he just kind of knows what to do on it now.

He's moving around a lot but hasn't really figured out moving forward yet - I've seen him inch forward a little but only a couple of times. He loves doing 360s though and he can scoot backwards pretty quickly, much to his frustration usually. He's gotten up on all fours a few times and can stand holding onto something by himself, which he really enjoys. He loves to be a big boy!