Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Summer Days

Ok, so I haven't written in awhile, which is due to the fact that I'm bad at taking pictures. We have been pretty busy though - well Connor's been busy crawling everywhere and standing up while holding on to anything and I've been busy watching him and trying to baby proof the house. He's fun to watch though - and if I open the refrigerator he drops whatever he is doing and sprint crawls to try and make it over before I close it. It's pretty funny to watch him sprint crawl.

Connor got his first haircut mid-June and he needs another one again, his hair grows fast! Jeremy cut his hair with his clippers, Connor really didn't like it at first but once we turned on the tv for him and gave him some cheerios he was much happier. Connor also got to finally visit Jeremy's family again when we went up to Atlanta in June. He had a great time smiling at everyone and he loves loves loves his cousins, he's quite content to watch them all day!

He also likes to swim a lot now, he's finally realized the pool is just like a big bathtub that he can splash in. Here are some pictures:
I love him in his floaty, it's so cute!

Unfortunately we've been having a problem with dead ants in our pool, so we haven't been swimming as much as we'd like to, but hopefully we can clear up the problem soon - we love the pool but it's a lot of work!

I'm still amazed at how quickly Connor is growing up and how independent he likes to be, every day he shows me more of his personality and I love it - but he's definitely more like his daddy than his mommy, he's such a people person! I can't believe in less than 2 months he'll be one - I've got to start planning a party :)

1 comment:

  1. My has Connor grown. Your mom just sent me your blog address. He seems to like the pool. I'm glad you all are doing well. I saw a couple pictures of Connor that your mom had at the wedding. Can't believe he's going to be one. Where does the time go. Thank you for the ever so cute birthday card. Can't wait to see you all. Susan and Rick
