Sunday, October 11, 2009

Connor is One!

My little baby turned one a few weeks ago and I can't believe it. Actually I can believe that it's been a year since he was a newborn because he's nothing like the little newborn who used to sleep all the time and just lay still on his playmat looking around. Now getting him to sleep anywhere but in his crib or carseat is nearly impossible and he never sits still for more than 10 seconds. He's quickly getting into everything and going everywhere - still not really walking, just taking a few steps here and there. But he's a very fast crawler and the callouses on his knees are so rough I don't think his knees feel pain when he crawls on them anymore!

Connor had a wonderful 1st birthday party and discovered he really loves cake. My biggest fear was that he would be miserable, especially for the big cake moment, but he put on quite an act. It began with crying - he doesn't like everyone singing happy birthday, and this wasn't the first time he's cried during the song:
He wasn't so sure about the cake at first:
But finally decided to try some:
And decided that cake was pretty good:
And then he really started getting into the cake and kept smiling away to show everyone just how much he really loves cake:
Here's Connor at the end of his cake experience, very pleased with the cake and the wonderful mess he made of himself:

He definitely has a sweet tooth! He had a wonderful 1st birthday party and received so many wonderful gifts, he loves to play with them all. And I enjoy it when the toys keep him entertained for a little while - but not for too long, he usually finds his way to whatever room I'm in to play with a drawer, a cabinet, a door, the toilet paper, the toilet handle, a box, the window, the dishwasher, the refrigerator and so on :)

Connor also enjoyed his 1st birthday the day after his party. I made him chocolate chip pancakes that he really liked. Later that day we went to the bookstore to buy our gift for Connor - The Foot Book by Dr. Suess. I had borrrowed this book from the library and Connor loved it so we bought it for him and we've read it many times a day everyday since. He always laughs at the clown on one of the pages, it's funny. Then we got gelato from our favorite gelato shop - Connor is a big fan of gelato too! And that night we capped off Connor's birthday by going out to dinner for pizza with JoePop, Nana and Aunt Maggie. I think he enjoyed his first birthday - but I think I enjoyed it much much more. It's so exciting to see him grow and learn and turn into a little person. It's amazing to see how even though he can't say but a few words he really understands a lot of what we're saying and really wants to communicate with us. He loves to blabber away to us and tell us all sorts of stories - I really wish I knew what he was trying to tell me! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy and to have had such a great first year with him. I look forward to watching him grow more and more :)

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